
What has God planned for your life? Since God loved each one of us into creation, He had a perfect plan for our lives. He envisioned a “definite” life for us that would ultimately bring us to Him in Paradise. His planned life for us offers us opportunities to love Him and to love those around us, refining us to become perfect in Him. Remember: "We are predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ." God’s life for us offers us both joys and disappointments as we are given chances to grow spiritually and turn away from our sins. 

Sadly, we learn to make our own choices from a young age and most of us never live our complete lives as God composed for us. We trudge from day to day, making decisions for our own future without ever consulting with Him. We often fall into mistake after mistake and then raise our heads to heaven and ask God to help us through one situation or another, frequently ones of our own making. 

Yet, have we ever wondered what path God did lay out for us when He created us? Perhaps we havefollowed that path or perhaps we have strayed and God has had to adapt His plan, catching us in different places along the way and pulling us back to Him. Our lives take many twists and turns and before we know it, we are closing in on the end of our journey.

But, what if we were to ask God to lead us in our decisions? How would God’s guidance change the trajectory of our lives? We can pray and ask direction about where to live, what jobs we do, who we spend our time with and our romantic choices. Then we can act on God’s counsel. Life, even in its daily drudgery, can be filled with wonders when we let God take the reins. The endless “Godincidences” and incredible spiritual tapestry God weaves throughout our lives can offer us a constant source of amazement and joy, knowing a greater power is in control, always working for our spiritual good. We can live our Heaven while on Earth, filled with joy as we go about our days.

Many of you will be thinking I am reaching my twilight years now (or I am already in them). Isn’t it a bit late for reflecting on how to live the life God intended for me? Well, one of the most perfect attributes of Christ is His timing. It is always perfect and we can meet Him at any stage of our life and begin living the spiritually perfect life He has planned for us. We do not have to be a child or a young adult. God is always waiting for us. Begin today! Pray and ask for his guidance today! Grab every spiritual opportunity placed before you and make choices based on your faith and your faith alone. Surrender all of your daily decisions to God. Invite God into your life and ask Him to show you His way. The gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit will guide you. We must remember, however, Life with Christ is not about attaining “a perfect life” as the world sees it, but a “perfect holy life” as God sees it, with all its crosses and its pleasures, flawlessly balanced to aid us on our spiritual journey. 

Do not be afraid to consult with Christ over the tiniest of decisions. His way is always the best way even if it does not appear to be so at the time. We must strive to live our lives in Christ because there will be no greater regret than to reach the end of our journey and discover we lived the “unlived” life - the one without any composition from Christ. It will be as if we never lived at all.

-- Judith Weible

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